PCP practitioners are thinking about and developing the solutions for tomorrow.
We are highly qualified academic, humanitarian, military, and business professionals internationally respected for our ongoing contributions in economic development and peace and conflict transformation.

Sarah Jane Meharg, Ph.D.
PresidentDr. Sarah Jane Meharg is president of Peace & Conflict Planners Canada and serves as an Adjunct Professor at the Royal Military College of Canada. She is Canada's leading post-conflict reconstruction expert and specializes in the research and implementation of advanced technologies for reconstruction initiatives. Dr. Meharg focuses on economic acceleration in regions experiencing economic transitions, including post-conflict and post-disaster environments such as Afghanistan, Haiti and the Balkans.

Maurice E. Marwood
Senior AdvisorMaurice E. Marwood is a specialist in corporate turnarounds. His executive-level leadership has spanned manufacturing, distribution logistics, marketing, and international sales of industrial equipment and packaged consumer products. He has 40-plus years of international business experience in North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific regions.

Dr. Marshall W. Conley
Senior AdvisorDr. Conley is the author of more than 140 publications and professional papers. Prior to taking early retirement in June 2000, he was Professor of Political Science at Acadia University ( where he taught courses on the United Nations, Human Rights, Peace Studies, International Organization, Information Technology and Canadian Foreign Policy.

Peter H. Denton, Ph.D.
Ethics AdvisorDr. Peter H. Denton is a cultural systems analyst and Ethics Advisor for PCP projects, with particular interests in social and environmental sustainability; appropriate technology and development; and religion and society. He is also a communications specialist, with extensive experience in writing, editing, curriculum design, and presentations to a wide variety of audiences.

Aleisha Arnusch
ResearcherAleisha Arnusch provides PCP with 'emerging trends' analyses within the peace and conflict spectrum. These analyses are invested into PCP products and services so that our clients have access to changes and transitions in the industry.

John Meharg
Director, Research, Development and InnovationsJohn Meharg is an ICT and environmental security specialist with military experience. John is an innovations leader, focusing his research and product development on web-based economies, global peace operations, development-sector best practices, and the application of defence science. John manages the contracting of innovation expertise and out-sourcing of practictioners to client projects on behalf of PCP Canada.